Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Someone to be really afraid of

Some of my fellow Amerians have expressed an anxiety of Newly Elect Barrack Obama (hereafter called NEBO). Rumours go that he will turn the US into a socialist state - booohhhhooo! Hmm, who should they really be afraid of? One for sure - just spotted Thomas Ostros hop into a cab on Pennsylvania Avenue. With his usual aura of angry bitterness - a sight that would make even NEBO's knees to start shaking (irrespectably pre or post the Governator's promised leg exercises). The smirk smile on his face told about his drooling thoughts about the size of government NEBO could build here should he really join the dark side. Now that is a scary thought - even for a Swedenized bunny.

The Straight Talking Bunny

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